To be honest, I've never really been very good at the whole sustained self motivation thing. Sure, I'll get excited about a project, but that excitement generally will wane and often, eventually fade and then what's left is one more thing on my list of "Phases".. heh. My life is peppered by the various different phases that I've gone through over the years: Trolls.. Tye Dye.. Animal Prints.. and that's just for starters. Not that it's a bad thing by any means, I think I've become a more well rounded person (at least more quirky for sure) because of it, and I like that about me. However, it does mean that I do struggle from time to time with continuing with this whole workout regime.
Not that I ever forget that I'd like to loose x amount of pounds before November 6th, just that sometimes that motivation seems less pressing than my desire to order a pepperoni pizza for dinner (for just myself) on a quiet Friday night after a long week.
However, there are precautions that I've put in place to avoid such pitfalls as that. In addition to this blog, I have a sort of network of people that I randomly tell things to, when I need it. For example, at a church activity recently, they were serving tasty tasty brownies as refreshments. (big ones. without frosting... mmmmmmmmm) However, I'd already been very bad with my eating that day and I knew I ought not indulge in yet another unhealthy food. So, I turned to this nice boy who was there, a friend of mine, and said "Chris, I'm saying this out loud so that someone else can hear it: I am NOT going to eat a brownie." He laughed and said "Ok, you can't eat one if I don't eat one." Which worked out nicely because he can't eat chocolate in any form.
Then, just yesterday, I was standing on the platform waiting for my train on the way home from work and I was struck by this HUGE desire to eat some pepperoni pizza. I found myself justifying why it would be ok, even though it would be just for myself (Little Caesar's pizza is just $5.. that wouldn't even blow my budget!) even though, left to my own you KNOW I would eat the entire thing in two (
maybe three) sittings. So, I sent a text message to my old college buddy that said "Karina, tell me not to order a pizza for dinner tonight". She responded beautifully "Two words.... Wedding Dress." Hahaha.. well said.
And I was good. Though, clearly I was having cravings. So, recognizing this as truth (and knowing it to be a recurring thing) Rather than suppress it and deny myself completely of all that is tasty and risk binging later, I decided to splurge. Splurge, yes.. Binge, no. Instead of a tasty pizza, I bought a little bag with four brownie bites for dessert to my healthy dinner.. brownies, yes.. but only four. I figured that was infinitely better than eating half of a pizza.. heh. And I enjoyed every one :)
Whew.. made it through another test.. Now to continue onward! Be strong!
Oh, also while I was feeling all less than motivated, I remembered that my little workout regime said that this week I was supposed to write myself a little note congratulating myself. So, I did that last night as well and attached it to my mirror. Surprisingly, it helped!