Friday, August 29, 2008

Breaking Addiction

So I have officially decided that I think I have a real live full blown addiction. There is a candy jar at work and even when I want to leave it alone, I find myself having 'just one little one.' ...A couple times a day. And let me tell you! On a bad day... it's a lot more than just one little one. And I love to cook, but when I get on a cooking kick, I cook pretty things. Like cakes and cookies and banana bread. Mmmm...
I know that when you are craving sweets you are low on water. Anything else? And the last day or 2 I have been craving tomatoes like crazy! This morning I had a toast and tomato sandwich for breakfast and I was in heaven! :) Last night neither Dave or I were very hungry so we had some pita chips and hummus for dinner and I just had to put some tomato chunks on mine. So what is in tomatoes that make my taste buds sing today? After a short Google search, we find that tomatoes are just LOADED with Vitamin C. And I have had a sniffly nose and canker sores. Mystery solved. 
Anyway. I am publicly announcing that I am going to break my sweets addiction and more specifically my chocolate addiction. No more days where all I eat is junk. No more Twix and Milky Way bars for lunch. And more veggies. More fruits. More cooking at home. More good stuff. 
Hopefully that'll do the trick. I tell myself to only have one a day or none and then I think 'meh. it's just me. nobody will care if I have another.' Not true anymore! :D 


Ritsumei said...

I've had that problem before. It's a tough one. I found that, for me, nothing less than abstinence worked. Otherwise it was just too easy to indulge in "just one more." Maybe they can move it to a less noticeable place?

Emma said...

I actually had a chat with my boss and coworker (who supplies the never-ending chocolate cow jar) and my boss and I said we are gaining weight and would rather it not be there, and the coworker said she doesn't even like chocolate all that much. So the candy cow is disappearing. :) Mixed emotions, but it's good.

Ritsumei said...

That's awesome that you guys can get rid of the cow that way. Maybe you can come up with some other sort of treat to have occasionally so that you don't miss the cow so muhc.




