Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grunt and Sweat

Oh yeah. Working out is a funny thing; one hour of hating life so that you can more fully enjoy the other 23.

Yesterday I hit the elliptical machine, the one with the arm thingys. I used to not like it, but I've decided that it's a very effective way to get a full body work out. My hour in the gym went something like this:

First there was a little bit of this:
(from http://sojourness.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html)

Then a little bit of this - only less serene and with more red-faced grunting:
(from http://pilates.about.com/od/pilatesmat/ss/RollOver.htm)

And then some of this:
(from http://www.fitnesscure.com/2007/07/30/weekly-workout-schedule-july-29-aug-4/)

I'd say it was an hour well spent!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Back on the Wagon!

I went and excersised just now. I ran/jogged one mile in 18:30!! YAY! I used to run a mile in over 20 minutes, but I dropped two mintues! Wahoo! That felt wonderful, and I feel all sweaty and refreshed. :) I listened to music the whole time, and that kept me from being bored out of my brains. :) I'm officailly back on the wagon. Now if I can just remember to do this every day, continue my sit ups, and still watch what I eat, I should hopefully be in good shape soon. :)
I love all the encouragment I get from all of you. Thanks.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New motivation

Well, I AM still alive. So there's a Freshman Formal dance coming up at school, on the 28th of February I think. I convinced mom to buy me a dress, but I need to do sit ups ir something so I can get my belly to not bulge as much in the time I have. mom said that if I do between 10 and 25 sit ups every day, maybe twice a day, that I could get my stomach to noy bugle so much. :) YAY!! I'm trying that to see how well it going to work, so I'm going to go in my room and see how many sit ups I can do. A while ago, I went to my dear oldest sister's house, and she and her husband were trying to help get me a routine for excersising, and he said that I'm not really breathing when I excersise. I suppose that's not very good. He told me that I should count" 1,2" for every breath in, and every breath out. So far it's been working wonderfully. You should tell your husband thanks for me, dear oldest sister. :) I was also thinking that in addition to my sit ups, I would walk on that treadmill that's downstairs once a day, for about 20 - 30 minutes, and see how much I can do, and try to take less time getting that far so I can go farther in the same amount of time. :) WHEE! I haven't been doing very well with my dieting and whatnot, but someone at church today commented that I was looking skinnier! That made me feel SO good! That meant that the little things that I was doing were working! YES! I love all of you sisters and mother of mine!

Young Sister in Wisconsin :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Handy Little Reminders

I finally got around to posting all the things I've been meaning to post inside my bathroom cabinet tonight :) Along with it, I made this sign. I thought it turned out pretty well, so I thought I'd share, on the off chance that anybody might wanted to print out a ready-made sign.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting back up.. again

Like Ritsumei has said in previous posts: Fall down seven times, get up eight. I'm finally getting back up :)

Even though I keep saying, "I'm going to go back to the gym.. really, I'm going to go back.." Yesterday was the first time, since we got back, that I went to the gym. It really felt good to be back to being active though. Really good.. my day went so much better after that. And (mostly) I've been being better about eating good and healthy foods. Those things combined really make a difference in how I feel day to day. Today those really are my motivation to keep up with the gym thing: Work out+Eat well=Feel Good. I think I need to make a little sign and put that in my bathroom cabinet too so I will continue to remember.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Picking Up Steam

I've been talking to the Lord for some help with the fears that are causing me to sabotage myself. And while I'm not actually loosing yet, I think it's helping. My exercise is getting more important to me again: I did 2 days last week & started the week out right this morning with a bit of a walk-n-run. I listened to some Conference talks on my phone while I did it, and it felt good. That is, it felt good until I got a cramp in my hip. Andy said that sometimes happens when your body isn't used to it, so I'll take my day of rest (probably try for some yoga tomorrow, but Monkey has an allergist appointment that's going to seriously gum up the works) and then try again on Wednesday. I'm feeling pretty good.




