Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Five Weeks!! :-D

Well, this weeks marks the 5 week point :) (37days if you're yearning for an exact count)

With the whole try-not-to-get-smaller-so-I-still-fit-in-my-dress-in-November mentality has some definite pluses and minuses. On one hand, that's something I can spend a little less time stressing about. On the other hand, I still have to pay attention to what foods I stick in my mouth. Not that I've done terribly bad.. I just could sabotage myself if I'm not careful.

Still, despite some splurging with my eating, and I don't think I've actually lost any pounds in a couple weeks, I've kept up the working out pretty faithfully. (That's a habit I don't want to loose) Though, some weeks are definitely better than others. But this week I'm doing pretty well. Yes.. I know it's only Tuesday, but I was fairly active over the weekend and yesterday I did my light workout and set a new record for myself on the treadmill (1 mile in 12:36) and today I really pushed myself on the elliptical machine. (this i can tell because when i get back to my desk after working out, my face is still red.. haha) But really, all in all, I'm feeling pretty good!

Hey, Emma.. how's the gym working out for you?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Doing So Hot

Dori was noticing that I didn't have any posts on here yet, so here it is Dori! :)
I'm really not very good at this whole loosing weight thing, but I am trying. I keep get cravings for horrid things like chocolate or other sweets, and a lot of the time I give in to them! Bluh! I have found that even though my body isn't really loosing anything, my waist is still getting smaller. :) I was trying today to make a ticker so I can keep track of how much my waist is changing, but I just can't remember how. GRR! I haven't really made myself a "routine" thing, but then again, I'm not really sure what I want to do to help myself loose weight. I was kind of thinking that because we are keeping Josh's treadmill while he's gone, that I could do a bunch of exercise n it every day. When I was over at Dori's house yesterday, she was explaining her workout to me, and I thought that I might give it a try. It doesn't sound that hard to do, but I might soon prove myself wrong. :) That would be OK though, because then I would just have to work harder and pace myself differently so I could keep going. By the way Dori, how long are you on the treadmill for total? I was thinking that 10 or 15 minutes would be good to start out with, and then gradually get up to maybe about 30 minutes of exercising... That would be good for me. I would also have to do something about the absolutely disgusting and greasy cafeteria glop they feed us. :) They can come up with some pretty gross lunches at any school you go to.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting Back on Track

I've been working on getting back on track for a while now, and this morning I actually managed to get onto the treadmill and go run for 1/2 hour. It went surprisingly well, considering that I haven't done any running since the last time I blogged it. It wasn't bad at all.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One More Reason to Work from Home

So, I occasionally feel slightly envious of my friends and family who have jobs that allow them the ability to work from home. Generally these feelings are felt most keenly on those days when I'm very tired and don't feel like getting up and the idea of just working in my PJ's seems very tantalizing.

However, I found an article today that offered another good reason to work from home: Walkstations. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/18/health/nutrition/18fitness.html?ei=5124&en=dae8e7618825bcd8&ex=1379476800&adxnnl=1&partner=facebook&exprod=facebook&adxnnlx=1222201193-5NCHuzYsHjxV+VlPFOPixg) Sorry kids, my work computer isn't allowing me to make this into a link.. boo to it.
But it's an interesting article about some new health innovations that seem to be most easily implemented by those who work from home, but is gathering momentum and even seems to have begun to trickle into corporate America.


Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm In!

So this weekend Dave and I splurged and we got me a membership at 24-Hour Fitness! I'm so excited! We can't afford to get one for both of us, but Dave got a 30 day free pass too, so we're gonna hit this together! I get a free hour session with a trainer so I can get a good idea of what I need to start doing and how. It was really cool - on the tour of the gym the trainer had me just sit in a machine really quick and do a couple reps so I sat down and did it how I figured it should be and then he told me to put my feet shoulder width apart and do it again and all of a sudden my legs were on fire! It was amazing! I'm hoping that hour will cover a lot. 

So here I am Mom, I'm back on the wagon again with you. I really want to lose another 10 pounds before Kate's wedding. I want to have to buy new pants again. And I accidentally bought a bra that was too small, so I want it to fit soon. And I want to be healthy and get preggers. 

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fell off the wagon

Well, I am back - or at least attempting to get back. I have seriously fallen off the dieting wagon. In fact, I have gained about 5 pounds. YUCK!!!! I need to get out and exercise. No excuses - I have a hand full - but I just need to do it. I would feel better. I would sleep better. I would handle the stress better - and now I read that medopause is easier if you exercise 30 min 4 days a week. Plus..I get to be a Grandma that is able to do things with my Grandchldren. - even the ones that are years away. That is a happy thing.

So, I hope that you are all out there. I am hoping to get moving again. This has been a great help. Anyone want to join me???

Love, Mom

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I was chatting with Carolyn last night and she was saying that she's pretty interested in joining our blog... does she need an invitation like we did for the Round Robin or can she just show up and post? 
Last night was Dave's second night working at the fair for his dad and that means I was all by myself. I thought I had a pretty good and productive night. I went straight from work to his mom's house and changed into my running stuff and went and hit the pavement! It took me a long time to actually get out of the house and do it since it was the first time I was running while the sun was up and it was crazy hot for that kind of thing. But I stretched and drank some water and I did it! :) 
I'm starting to work on a scrapbook for Dave of his mission and I got that going a bit more last night too. Organizing pictures and such. I know this is a bit off subject, but does anyone have good scrapbook ideas or tips? I found a bunch of nice layouts online and I have some good ideas, but it's all making me realize I don't have the tools and things I need. I think this may be a bigger project than I thought at first. :) 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

'Fessin Up

Well, I've pretty much fallen off the wagon. Time to get back on. The chocolate chips are gone, the diaper study that's been getting me out of the house earlier than usual is done, and I'm thinking that I need to get back out there and run again.

The good news is that we've been given(!) a treadmill, so I now have no excuse whatsoever. Set up the baby monitor during nap time or after bedtime and go at it. It's an exciting development.

Keep on keepin' on

So, I haven't exactly been doing very well on the whole eating healthy thing. Bleh. Though, I am working on getting that back under control. And I did buy salad this past weekend and have been eating that for lunch again, which should count for something, right? :)

I may be too scared to get back on the scale to see how I'm actually doing right now, but today, despite my dietary slackings, I ran a mile in 12:54. Woot! I've decided that Rit's program of walking a minute, running a minute - even when the running is at a slower pace - burns through a mile quicker than what I had been doing before. (walking a while, running fast for maybe a minute, then walking another while to recover) Thanks for posting that program Rit!

It's been awfully quiet ladies... where my girls at?

Thursday, September 4, 2008


So this past weekend there were TONS of these beautiful and delicious cookies around. All weekend. Then there was ice cream.. hehe.. yeah. I didn't do so well. Plus I didn't drink as much water as I generally do (all my bad). And while I did jump rope on Monday before heading back to Chicago and I did make it to the gym Tuesday for my light work out and weight lifting, my scale was still telling me sad things this morning. Sigh.

So today I've been sure to drink my water and I hit the gym pretty hard to try to get back in the groove of things. I wish I could say that I'm feeling better.. heh. Some days after working out I feel sucked of my energy.. today was one of those days. What sounded ever so much better was to have taken a nap. Alas, corporate America does not allow for a nap time.

But it's ok. I feel like I'm not doing THAT badly, and I think some of this weight might be water weight, so hopefully it'll go away once I'm back on my regular drinking schedule before I get to next week and measure in.

Wish me luck!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Accomplished: Day 8 minus 2

I did another day. Well, my 1st of 2 steps to get to accomplishing Day 8. The "official" program is a bit ambitious for me. But I'm pleased. Even though I'm not loosing weight yet (still), I am loosing inches nicely. And I'm excited about that. It's definitely a step in the right direction. I set up a route and then I have measured distance in my Runner's World exercise journal. Then I run it with my stopwatch and see how I do. I'm getting better: the route I ran today I had a little bit of extra time at the end of the day's run. I finished 6 seconds before my 30 minutes, which is exciting to me because last time I actually made it through this route I had to tack a few seconds on to get to the end of the block. So there's been some improvement. Probably mostly improvement in my ability to breathe as that's typically the limiting factor.

It's good that I made myself go today too, because after Thursday when I actually decreased my pace to 12:54 - about 3 minutes faster than the run before it - although I was running faster (The jogging stroller was pulling me along I think. I'm always faster pushing it.) I was so incredibly frustrated by not finishing the 30 minutes I usually do that there was a good chance that I would sabotage myself and just fall off the wagon. I could feel the nagging "it doesn't work anyway" at the back of my mind. So it's good that I went today. Now I can get my momentum back and keep loosing inches. Someday my body will have no choice but to unload some pounds!




