Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm In!

So this weekend Dave and I splurged and we got me a membership at 24-Hour Fitness! I'm so excited! We can't afford to get one for both of us, but Dave got a 30 day free pass too, so we're gonna hit this together! I get a free hour session with a trainer so I can get a good idea of what I need to start doing and how. It was really cool - on the tour of the gym the trainer had me just sit in a machine really quick and do a couple reps so I sat down and did it how I figured it should be and then he told me to put my feet shoulder width apart and do it again and all of a sudden my legs were on fire! It was amazing! I'm hoping that hour will cover a lot. 

So here I am Mom, I'm back on the wagon again with you. I really want to lose another 10 pounds before Kate's wedding. I want to have to buy new pants again. And I accidentally bought a bra that was too small, so I want it to fit soon. And I want to be healthy and get preggers. 

1 comment:

misskate said...

Hot Dog!! Gym Memberships can be sweet sweet sweetness. That's so great that you get a session with a trainer.. they are smart people with lots of good ideas! Yay!

Sounds like you've got some super motivation too :) Wohoo!!




