Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm down another 2 pounds today, at 188, putting me a couple pounds below what I was when Monkey was born. I'm about 27 pounds away from where I was when we got married! Gotta keep up the streak; this is feeling good!

I sent a whole big box of clothes to Goodwill yesterday, and I need to pick up a ball-point needle for my sewing machine so I can alter my tshirts to my new size. I am so NOT going back to where I was. I also can't afford to replace EVERYTHING right now. But more and more of my clothes don't fit - in a good way!

Interestingly, I find that there is an awkward spot between large and medium. The sizes can't seem to make up their minds: some of the mediums fit, some of them I've still got quite a ways to go. And of course, as long as I'm nursing I'll be a bit top-heavy, which makes things even more interesting. Once I get those needles I have some fabric that I need to make into shirts, which will actually fit and that will be exciting.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Stroller Makes Us 2 For 2

Well hello to the long lost blog. I'm really not very good at posting on these kinds of things. But today is a good day and since my little bluebird is asleep, I thought I'd share.
Over the last couple of weekends, Dave and I have been on the look out for strollers at yard sales... or just yard sales in general. They are somewhat of a rare find around here. But I digress. So finally, last Saturday we found a nice stroller! It's a little bit old and was rather dirty, but it's sturdy and easy to fold up and fits in my trunk so we bought the stroller. Dave cleaned it up really well and since we bought the stroller, Chelsea and I have been on 3 walks, one of which her daddy got to join us for. I begin to wonder how I ever lived without a stroller for the last 6 months!
And let me just say, I am thankful for parks. There is a nice park - Gailey Park for those familiar with the area - not too far from our house. So yesterday and today our mornings have included a trip to the park. It's wonderful - we walk the mile to the park, put Chelsea in the swing for as long as she likes, and then walk back home. Yesterday our walk was 1.9 miles and today it was 2.4 miles. YEA US! It's so nice to be out in the sunshine and be active again.
I was watching a show the other day and they did a segment on getting motivated to exercise and the general gist was that there is no such thing. They talked about how the biggest reason we stop exercising is just a general lack of energy and not wanting to get out and do it. And man, I was feeling it this morning. But their point was that you can't look for motivation or anything to keep you going other than determination to be healthy. We create our own energy every time we exercise by just starting. Do the warm up and go. It's something we have to keep doing whether it's fun or not and whether we feel like it or not. It reminds me of the Nike slogan: Just do it. That's the pep talk for next time I don't want to go out.
Is anyone else still going? How are we all doing? Sadly, my clothes are getting tight. The scale says I haven't changed, but the clothes and the mirror tell a different story. Time to exercise and tone up again and hopefully I won't hate everything in my closet forever! :) Hope everyone is doing well.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just a Tweak

Hey girls, I tweaked the settings on the blog - comment moderation is now turned on, because of all the SPAM the other 2 blogs have been getting. I want to make sure that we're not getting nasty links in the comments here! I don't think that this will affect the authors of the blog, but thought I'd let you know, just in case.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Wahooo!! First time in for ever that my BMI is not obese!!! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Small Change, Big Help

So I finally got tired of eating the nasty school foods!! So Mom and I decided to buy some lunch meat and have me bring cold lunches to school. I started bringing my own lunches on Monday, and so far, I've already lost 3.5 pounds!! Yay!!! All because I'm no longer eating the nasty, greasy school "food." I'm so excited. Now I have to find a good workout to add to it, and then stick with it, and I'll be all set. I'm so excited!!! ^.^ I've also been snaking less after school, and the lunches I bring stay with me longer so I'm not as hungry at the end of the day. I eat less at dinner, but it doesn't feel like it because I'm eating healthier foods. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beautiful Sunday afternoon!!

It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon! The Sun is shining and it is pretending to be spring!! (I know - it is Wisconsin and March and spring just doesn't come and stay this early!!) But, today is beautiful!!! The sun shine pulled me right outside and Quasar and I took a nice long walk. It felt wonderful!!!
We went bowling yesterday and it felt good to stretch out the muscles in my legs that were saying that I used them yesterday! I love the effects of excercise!! I don't so much like exercise - except walking - but I love how I feel - the clearness of mind - the energy - the attitude that comes with exercise - especially when I can go outside! It makes squeezing the time out worth it!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feelin' Good

So, lately I've been trying to back into the habit of doing healthy things; better eating, better exercise.. you know, all those things that are supposed to make one healthy, wealthy and wise. Ok, I still have questions about the last two, but I am feeling good.

Then, earlier this week, I took it to the next level. I decided that, in order to get my tummy-crunching-leg-lifts and push-ups in, I would have to get up about 15mins earlier than I have been. This naturally led to my stretching a little before I tried to get my just-out-of-bed body to actually do anything besides sit in a dazed stupor.
It's only been since Monday, but I've really noticed a change in my mornings! If this week is any indicator, I may actually graduate from being a Reluctant Morning Person to actually not minding mornings. Crazy!




