Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Doing So Hot

Dori was noticing that I didn't have any posts on here yet, so here it is Dori! :)
I'm really not very good at this whole loosing weight thing, but I am trying. I keep get cravings for horrid things like chocolate or other sweets, and a lot of the time I give in to them! Bluh! I have found that even though my body isn't really loosing anything, my waist is still getting smaller. :) I was trying today to make a ticker so I can keep track of how much my waist is changing, but I just can't remember how. GRR! I haven't really made myself a "routine" thing, but then again, I'm not really sure what I want to do to help myself loose weight. I was kind of thinking that because we are keeping Josh's treadmill while he's gone, that I could do a bunch of exercise n it every day. When I was over at Dori's house yesterday, she was explaining her workout to me, and I thought that I might give it a try. It doesn't sound that hard to do, but I might soon prove myself wrong. :) That would be OK though, because then I would just have to work harder and pace myself differently so I could keep going. By the way Dori, how long are you on the treadmill for total? I was thinking that 10 or 15 minutes would be good to start out with, and then gradually get up to maybe about 30 minutes of exercising... That would be good for me. I would also have to do something about the absolutely disgusting and greasy cafeteria glop they feed us. :) They can come up with some pretty gross lunches at any school you go to.


Ritsumei said...

There was a post a while back with an article on how to become a runner, including a link to a running website with tons of information.

When I "run" it doesn't mean to run for 30 minutes straight. I'm on the treadmill or, my preference, outside in the neighborhood "running" between 30 and 40 minutes all total. That includes a few minutes of walking before I start "running" and a few minutes of walking when I'm done with my "running." I keep putting the "running" in quotes because I can't run for 1/2 hour yet. I'm following that program's suggestions, except that I keep repeating the running days until I can actually do them. It took 2 tries to do the 1st pattern (run 1 minute walk 2 minutes), and then I ran that way for a while. Then I was working up to the 2nd pattern (run 2 minutes walk 1 minute) and I let myself get derailed. My most recent run was making sure that I can still do the run 1 walk 2 pattern, and I'll get back to work on run 2 walk 1 this week. So when I say that I went "running" for 1/2 hour, at this point that means that I had 10 minutes of running, individually spaced out over 30 minutes, with plenty of walking and catching my breath in between.

Another thought: you may still be growing taller, and you're certainly still developing in various ways, so don't stress over it if your scale doesn't say that the numbers change. Get out a measuring tape and see if your waist is shrinking. Look at yourself in the mirror and see if anything looks different. Find ways to measure your progress besides the scales. It was being too focused on the scales that derailed me this last time; even though I was making progress. Because it wasn't the progress I wanted to see I felt like a failure and sabotaged myself. Also I got sick. But mostly it was sabotage.

Re: the food.
You might try asking them for nutrition information. They may not have it, but you loose nothing by asking. Even if they can tell you how many calories, round-about, that they put in the lunches, that tells you something. And if it's nasty nasty nasty, maybe you can make yourself a bento box or something else to take.

misskate said...

Yay for posting!!

I second Ritsumei's comments :) My workout routine is pretty similar to hers. When I do my treadmill work outs, I'm not actually running the whole time either.

Personally I prefer the treadmill to outside just because then I can regulate my pace (walking at 4.1 or 4.2 and running at 5.6)
My routine is that I walk for a couple minutes for a warm up, then I run at 5.6 for a whole minute (two if I'm feeling super ambitious) then I walk for another minute or two to catch my breath, then I run for a minute.. like that for a half hour.

But we've both been doing it for a little while now. They say that 20 mins of cardio (energetic exercising) keeps your metabolism boosted for a while after you work out (effectively burning calories after you're done with the treadmill) So, maybe start with 20 mins, even if you're just walking quickly for the whole time. That will get your heart pumping and the blood moving and you'll feel good!

Good luck!!

Oldlady25 said...

Thanks for the comments Kate and Dori!! They are very much appreciated. Thanks for the running advice too. :) I have a question for you though Dori. What's a "bento box"?
Kate, I got my wedding shoes!!! They have about a three inch heel. :) I'll send anyone a picture who wants one. :O




