Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 8-Minus-2

It's day 8-2 because I figure that there are at least 2 steps between where I'm at and where I need to be in order to pull of Day 8's "run 2 walk 1." Today what I set out to do - and did - was run 2 walk 1, run 2 walk 2, 5 times, for the usual total of 30 minutes. It was hard work. But I did it. I plan to do it again on Wednesday. Well, maybe. That's the day that I'm getting more work done on my root canal & I typically don't feel great after doing that. Plus I'm going to the zoo with Monkey. We'll have to see. If I get up nice & early & go before all the excitement it can still be done. (By nice & early I mean around 8.)

I got a new toy the other day: a stopwatch. It's pretty fun. Monkey loves it. It beeps. I like that I can now keep better track of my times. I decided to stop counting my warm-ups in my pace, and only count the part where I'm actually running. Or working on running anyway. As a result, my pace today was just over a 15 minute mile! Not bad: I'm almost as good as I was in 4th grade, only this time it's not killing me. No asthma-type attacks. It doesn't hurt. (Which is not to say that it's not WORK. It's kind of like giving birth that way.) Also, we're have a possible opportunity to buy a used treadmill. Depends on the cost. I wonder if I can do some sort of trade for part of the price: I'll bring you bread, you give me the equipment you're getting rid of because you never use it anyway. I'm sure there'd have to be some money exchanged, but that might bring it down into a range that we can do right now.

Tomorrow I plan to weigh-in and check my measurements. Anyone with me?

1 comment:

Ritsumei said...

Oh, there's a family in the ward that Andy's supposed to help bring theirs up out of the basement cuz they're not going to use it and they're getting rid of it.




