Tuesday, August 19, 2008


OK, so it's not so much of a weigh-in cuz my water weight is going crazy again. I've been drinking most, but not all of my water, and I can always tell that on the scales because it makes me bloat. Yuck. So we're going with the 200 from a couple of days ago for weight. And I'm doing measurements again this week.

Bust:44" (no change)
Waist: 38.5" (no change)
Belly:47" (new measurement)
Hips:45.5" (down .5)

Yay! I've got change in my measurements too, in addition to the good news on the scale! There's already a little bit "less to love!" I'm actually a bit surprised that there's not more change in the tape measure, because I feel thinner. Guess that must just be in my head. I can live with feeling better about myself.

I added the belly measurement because I've got a baby belly now (surely it's not the ice cream!), and it's not really at my hips or my waist, but it's definitely the biggest thing there and the part I'd most like to see shrink. So I'm going to measure it.

1 comment:

misskate said...

Yay for changes in measurements :) That's always heartening when the scales aren't saying exactly what we'd like. Wohoo!




