Monday, August 18, 2008

Yeah.. I like the idea of EA.. hehe

Hi my name is Kate and I don't like to exercise. I have been going to the gym fairly regularly, but not exactly pushing myself much at all. I also don't do so wonderfully with the eating well thing either. I weighed myself over the weekend, and while I did loose a pound since the last time I got on there (and I'm not saying that's not wonderful) I realized that I'm not exactly on track to reach my goal. (I'd have liked to have lost more like 3 in the last few weeks) But no complaints.. it's not that far off track.. and I'm not ragging on myself. (I find pointing out the positives works ever so much more effectively anyway) Mostly, I'm just acknowledging that I could be doing better. (thus the recent lack of posts.. less goodness to point out)
My next course of action is to push myself a little more on my workouts. And to stop the late night bowls of cereal. I'd like to say I'll stop the late night snacking all together, but I think it's best to take baby steps where it comes to changing my eating habits. So, this past week I bought apples to be my late night snack. And I'm trying to only it eat if the drinking-a-big-glass-of-water-to-see-if-I'm-really-hungry approach doesn't work.


Ritsumei said...

You guys crack me up with the whole EA thing! Goals are always a positive step. Yay you.

Emma said...

So I heard this thing on TV from a dietitian who said that it's not late night snacking that kills people's diets. Every day you get so many calories and as long as you stick to that, it doesn't make that big of a difference when you eat them. Obviously small meals close together are best, but it's not that big of a deal. ...or so she said. :)




