Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, yesterday I turned the page in my little exercise book and realized that there are 11 weeks until November 6th! Wohoo! Also, it is a weigh-in and measurement week. So, this morning I measured myself and much to my (happy) surprise, despite only having lost 1 pound (versus the 3 or 5 I would have liked) I did in fact, loose an inch around my waist, and just under an inch around my hips and a half inch around my bust. However, my forarms are still growing.. heh.. Not quite sure how I feel about that, but I figure as long as I don't start looking like a body builder or anything I'm ok.
Still, I feel like my clothes are fitting noticably looser, and I'm considering going to visit some clothing stores, not so much to buy anything (i'm going to wait a little bit longer for that), but to check and see what size I might fit into these days.


Emma said...

Are there really only 11 weeks until November? That's just amazing to me. I think I'm going to have to kick it up a notch.

Ritsumei said...

11 weeks. Wow. That means that to loose my 25 I have to loose 2.27 pounds every week until then. I'd best keep up the work!

Yay for inches lost! Window shopping sounds like tons of fun. I'm looking forward to when I can do that too.

Andy says that to tone, rather than build muscle, do more reps with a lower weight.

misskate said...

Yeah, I think my arms are growing from the pushups I'm doing. I think I'm going to try a modified pushup, maybe against the counter or something and then increase the reps that I'm doing with the hand weights.. I do like the idea of shapely arms, just not bulging biceps.




