Thursday, August 7, 2008

Not Doing So Hot

I'm really looking forward to when Andy comes home again: I'm not doing so hot and he is always such a help. In my defense, Monkey nor I are feeling terribly well. He's got a cold and I've got a tooth that needs a root canal. But I should still be drinking water. Odd that the dentist was able to put a tiny little smoking cold cotton puff on my tooth and it didn't bother me in the least, but drinking water makes it feel very weird. Not painful, exactly, but definitely odd. Fortunately this isn't something that's going to last as I'm going to have the thing fixed up. Anyway, I haven't exercised all week. I've had barely any water. On the positive side though, I think that I only gained 2 pounds while we were out East, so that's something.


misskate said...

When does this root canal get finished? That sounds like a very uncomfortable way to stay for any length of time. I hope you guys feel better soon!

Ritsumei said...

I'm going to be calling & setting up the 1st of 3 appointments tomorrow morning. Hopefully they have some time relatively soon!

Dorine said...

I hope that you were able to set up appointments for your root canal soon! I am sorry that you are not feeling well. Let me know if I can help.


Emma said...

I'm sorry to hear you two are feeling sucky. I hope you're doing better soon!




