Monday, August 25, 2008

Cross Training

Heh.. so today all the elliptical machines were full, so I thought I would try a new thing that my coworker suggested. It's sort of similar to the running system Rit is doing, but on the stationary bike. I start out warming up at my usual level of resistance for a warm up. Stay there for one minute, then I increase the resistance by an interval for each of the next three minutes, then go back to the beginning and start again. Do this 4 times and by the end of 20 mins it should "kick your butt".

So, on this particular bike, I started at 9 for a minute, 10 for a minute, all the way to 13 for a minute and then back to 9, four times, all the while keeping up a pretty good and consistent pace. Ugh! But the end of 20 minutes I was ready to die. This really did kick my hiney. I am pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow.. Woot!


Ritsumei said...

Yay! Kicking our butts is just what we need, right?

Ritsumei said...

Were you sore? Or did you escape that particular fate? Now you have something to switch things up with!

misskate said...

I actually wasn't noticeably sore from biking, a little extra fatigued when I went up stairs, but no soreness.
However, Tuesday I did some weight lifting (trying to focus on certain trouble spots) and I'm still slightly sore today! Though, this afternoon I played with weights again and used other muscles and the soreness seems to have decreased to nearly none. Wohoo!




