Wednesday, August 20, 2008

EA - Session 2

Hello. You know my name. :) And I am so very happy to report that I have a much better week going than last week. Last week I exercised once (Saturday) and I ate a whole bunch of junk food. This week, I have gone running twice and my junk food intake is much less. Yes. Even with the junk only day yesterday. Dave and I just got back from a 40 minute run around the neighborhood. Still sticking to Rits's running program, but we got in a warmup today. I count that too. I'm outside and I'm moving. So - dang it! - it counts. :) And our time was somewhere just below 16:00 for a mile! We knocked off over 20 seconds! YEA!!! Of course that doesn't include the warmup, but that's ok. WE IMPROVED!


Ritsumei said...

Yay you! That's cool that you guys are running together. Built in running buddy. I've got my eye on a 5k at the end of September. Are you thinking in that direction at all? I figure that since I'm already doing 3k, it shouldn't be too hard to be ready for it, even though I've not been running for terribly long.

Emma said...

Not so sure about the whole 5K thing. Right now I'm mostly aiming for losing weight and being able to move. I may think in that direction a bit later though. I looked into it last fall when I could run a whole mile, but these days I'm down to about 1/8th.




