Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Tuesday Ladies!

So today was a pretty good day on the whole. We're going to operate on the idea that it's not so much what and when you eat, it's the amount of calories.  :) So based on that theory, I did pretty good. I ate a Starbucks muffin and vanilla shake for breakfast, munched on bite-size chocolates all day since I didn't have lunch, and then ate a hamburger and salad and watermelon for dinner. That sounds good, right? In my defense, the hamburger had tons of veggies on it... :D Man. I need to get up on time and make real food.  
On a happy note, I very successfully completed Day 2 today. A good brisk walk around the neighborhood with Dave tonight. We walked about an 18 minute mile for 30 minutes. Happy Tuesday! :D


Ritsumei said...

Yay! I go with that philosophy too: it's a math question. Calories eaten-calories burned=weight gained or lost. I wouldn't be successful at all if I tried to stop eating "bad" food. I just work to find a level of exercise that is enough to take care of what I want to eat. And I try to keep my portions reasonable.

misskate said...

I totally support that! Plus this way you're not really dieting, more it's eating like normal, just in moderation. That's ever so much more satisfying and I would guess has greater long term benefits.




