Monday, August 18, 2008

New Beginnings - Day 1

I have nothing to say for myself. I love reading all of your progress reports and each time I do, I think, "I should do that!". How does that saying go, "there's no time like the present" or something like that. So, I am taking 100% accountability and starting fresh and new. Today I commit to eat healthier and get back to my regular exercise routines. I want to get svelte with the rest of you!!!!

I took Kate's advice and bought a notebook/daily planner. It never ceases to amaze me how I can walk into a store like All-A-Dollar and find something I have always wanted, all my life, for one dollar =) I walked out with a very practical weekly planner and a package of envelopes (Josh will be happy). I really like to check things off a list, so I think this weekly planner will really be fun! I can make myself little notes and keep track of how many days I am exercising. It's amazing how much motivation comes in the form of being able to put an "X" in the box every day. It will kill me to miss a day; this should work brilliantly! =) I put in an "X" for yesterday for taking the dogs (I was dog sitting for my sister) for a nice Sunday evening walk. So, I am off to a good start! Sadly, I did not wake up early enough to exercise this morning; I really like exercising in the mornings the best. That is okay, the day is not over! I will get it in tonight after work. I want another "X". =) Thanks for the motivation! You are all amazing; I have a lot of work to catch up; thanks for including me and giving me all the good ideas and encouragement!


Ritsumei said...

Yay Nicole! We're glad that you're playing with us too. I love x's too, and right now I'm getting that sort of satisfaction from looking at the calendar in my Runner's World exercise journal. It's amazing what a little thing like that can do, isn't it? Way to go: starting is one of the hardest things, I think.

misskate said...

Heh.. Yeah, little x's are sometimes the most motivating little things :) Good luck with everything!!




