Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Accomplished: Road to Running Day 1

I did it! I did day 1!! And it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be when I put on my shoes this morning. I hurt So Bad after running on Monday. I thought this was going to be awful. But it wasn't. In fact, it felt good. I could already tell that I've learned a few things about running. I'm sure there's going to be plenty more to learn, but so far the first is the worst. We'll see what sort of soreness punishment my muscles put out this time. And I have to look at what comes next. I know that tomorrow is a walk and I don't run again until Day 3. But I don't remember any more than that.

One really fun thing is that with using Runner's World's workout tracker they count a bunch of cool things. For instance, I have done more than 25 hours of working out since the end of May. And I've run a total of 7.2 miles. Those are fun. But the best part is that it'll map the route that I run and then tell me the pace. And the very first time that I tried running back in May I was "running" a 20 minute mile pace. Today my pace was 16:43!! And that's already improved from Monday's 18:03 pace. And those paces include time for warm-up and cool-downs. So I'm actually running a bit better than that. I'll probably get me some sort of stopwatch to get better times. My watch isn't very well marked for doing this sort of thing and I think I could get to caring about how fast I'm going. One of my favorite parts of doing this program is that it's time based: run 1 minute, rest, run 1 minute. This works a lot better for me than other ways I've tried to run.


misskate said...

Sweet!! Go you!! That's very exciting :) I hope that you're not too terribly sore after this run! I'm very impressed!

Ritsumei said...

I'm pretty excited about it. I've got to get some Gear though. For instance, I need another good bra. 2 isn't enough when you run & sweat all over the one every other day. And it's not very long until I start getting runs one right after another: Day 5 and 6 are both runs. So I'm definitely going to need that. And a stopwatch would be fun.

Anne Chovies said...

Way to go! Way to get started! That's sometimes the hardest part.

Emma said...

That's so awesome! And I like that it's ok to work on Day 1 until you get it, and then move on. I think that's important so you don't feel like you're falling behind. How do you keep track of the time? That's always been the hardest part of timed running for me, when I'm not on the treadmill, which I don't have access to anymore. ???

Ritsumei said...

I use my watch. It's perhaps not as accurate as the timer on a treadmill, but I also notice that I'm beginning to develop a sense of how long a minute is. We'll see what Day 3 has in store for me tomorrow.




