Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I find it interesting that we all started great guns, everyone was loosing, we were all excited, and now there are several of us that are struggling a bit. Here's what I think:

We Can Do It Girls!!!

I'm sticking with my goals, and I love the idea of tracking days exercised. That would turn into big numbers after not very long. In my world, Sundays don't count for this particular thing, so I'm just not going to worry about them. Also, today was better for me. I notice that when Kate started eating salads again she had a hard time at first; then it got better. I think things are going to get better. We're going to set up some good routines. We're going to make this work!


Emma said...

I'm with you. WE CAN DO IT!!! And even better yet, we WILL do it! I've decided that it's not every day is a new day. It's every moment is a new moment. If I fall off track, I won't start again tomorrow. I start again next instant.

misskate said...

Nice!! I agree... why wait 'til tomorrow to start over?

We CAN! Let's do it ladies!!

Dorine said...

I agree!!! WE CAN DO IT!!! I got back on track with the exercising today. It felt good. I did 2 miles in less than 40 minutes. That is really good time for me!! :)




