Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chugging Along

I haven't actually lost another pound yet, but I was very encouraged when I was on the scale this morning: although it was after breakfast (it only counts first thing in the morning, before breakfast) I was the same weight. I'm hoping that means that I'm starting to teeter on the brink of 197 and will soon be working on 196!

I've been struggling to get my salad up and running, although I'm getting close since Mom cut up the veggies I bought when she was over at my house. Instead I've been eating watermelon and cantaloupe at each meal, which is also yummy. I'm betting that it'll work the same way given the serving size on melon. If I remember correctly you get about 1/2 a cantaloupe for around 100 calories. That works for me! I don't ever eat that much melon in a sitting anyway. That's a LOT of melon!

I'm feeling enough better than I was that I think I'll resume exercise tomorrow. Maybe some aerobics, maybe some weeding. My garden is badly in need of weeding. And Monkey would love to spend some time outside with me, although I'm not sure that I want his help with the weeds... he's just not that discriminating yet! But my one tomato bush has flowers on it already and we've got a good size pepper that's growing, plus more flowers, and a bunch of beans! So I need to get out there and get things going on so the garden stays a do-able project.


Dorine said...

glad that you are feeling well enough to get back to exercising. I hope that you "teeter" down to the next number soon!!!

Ritsumei said...

Yeah, about that "teetering." Stupid scale died. I'm gonna post about it soon. But the exercise went well!

misskate said...

I think you should really be careful Rit.. all things in moderation. 90lbs is a little excessive. We might need to stage an intervention... hahaha




