Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Water is Good. But...

If you haven't been drinking enough, and then you start drinking what you're supposed to, you get bloated. So this is what's happening to me right now. As of this morning, I'd gained 5 pounds in 2 days! I am so chugging on the water!!


misskate said...

Ah water... heh.. like a two edged sword. Just think of the happiness when your body realizes that you'll keep drinking and it sheds the extra water weight :)

Dorine said...

That could very well be the problem. I have been drinking a lot more water!! I managed a gallon yesterday (I was really thirsty and I exercised in the yucky humidity that was there yesterday) - I am up another pound today!! BOOOOO!! But, in theory, when it begings to shed, if this is water weight, it should go quickly!! My fingers are crossed. What ever, I am doing the right things and it feels good. I went on the tredmil last night - I walked 1 1/2 mile in 30 minutes and ran about 4 1/2 minutes of that time - in 1 minute blocks inbetween walking. I was quite proud of my self. Aunt Gareldine was running when we were in Utah. I decided that if she could run, so could I. So, I gave it a try. I don't have much endurance yet, but it can only get better from here, right?!?! Right!!

Ritsumei said...

I'm sure it's the problem. I've been trying to get back to drinking water like I used to: 1 gallon a day, from the 1qt for every 50lbs formula. I used to not only feel better and have better skin, but my weight was consistent from day to day so it was no big deal to get on the scale every day. Every time I've gotten close to that level of water, I bloat. I just have to keep up the drinking until I get whatever it is flushed out and back to the niceness on the other side of the bloating. I'm down 3 of those pounds today because I still drank my water yesterday, so it's working. It's just aggravating to gain like that, even when you know exactly what's going on. I keep telling myself that once my body has the water it needs there's a good chance that it'll flush out a pound or two relatively quickly. I could use an "easy" pound this week: I wanted 2 pounds, but my class is keeping me super busy & making it hard to get the exercise in.




