Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm back!

After many many moons without a working internet, I'm recovering from the withdrawl symptoms and I am back. Not too much time today so I haven't had a chance to read every one's stuff and catch up, I just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive.
In wonderful less2love news, I was able to knock down my ticker another pound! I was almost glad my computer was out cuz I gained 2 over the weekend and I didn't want to post that. But it's GONE! Yeah!
Dave and I went swimming this week and we have co-ed volleyball at church tonight. I'm looking forward to that a lot! And during the reunion this weekend I played volleyball for 6 HOURS! Spread over 2 days, but it was so much fun! Dave didn't want to let me play the second day - I had blood blisters all up and down my arms! Takin one for the team! It really wasn't that bad and it was a blast so I played against dr's orders. :) 
Good times. Good times. 
And I tried to get an exercise video in this week, but it got cut short after about 20 minutes. Our house doesn't have a tv set up where I can work out in front of it. :( My tv is in the bedroom so I was trying to do it on the rug at the foot of the bed. Approximately 4ft wide and 10ft long space. Not too comfy. And rather frustrating. I'm sure it was pretty amusing for Dave though! :) So we're looking into getting a mini tv that I can put on the breakfast bar and then take down when I'm done. Then I can exercise in the living room. 


Dorine said...

Welcome back!! Glad to hear from you again!! Yeah for losing pounds!!! Everyone is one to cheer about!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!

I think that I want to be a fly on the wall watching you exercise in a 4 x 10 area!!! TEE HEE I need a good laugh!!

Dorine said...

Welcome back!! Glad to hear from you again!! Yeah for losing pounds!!! Everyone is one to cheer about!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!

I think that I want to be a fly on the wall watching you exercise in a 4 x 10 area!!! TEE HEE I need a good laugh!!

Emma said...

Funny funny! Dave and I have been looking around for a week or so for a tv with a DVD player built in so it's less of a hassle and stuff, and tonight he had the ingenius idea that I can use the computer! It has about the same size screen I want and a DVD player and it's really convenient! He's so smart! I think I'll do that and save me $150! :D

Ritsumei said...

That's a good idea. Andy watches videos on our computer while he exercises all the time. I do agree... 4x10 is pretty small! Yay for loss!

misskate said...

Ah yes.. computers are GREAT for watching movies on :) I understand the small space thing. It's great incentive for me to keep my apartment clean when I want to do my pushups and crunches in my room.. if it's not clean, there's just not space!!
Hooray on the weight loss! :)




