Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So last night after that last post I actually got up and went running! Dave and I went around our neighborhood and walked/ran/jump roped for about 30 minutes. I even out ran Dave at the end! That's quite the accomplishment for me. He's just like his dad. A runner. But we're discovering that he can sprint very well and I'm starting to be a distance person. So I out ran him! YEA! Hopefully tonight I'll remember to drive where we ran so I can see how far it was. Oh! And other good news! I have never been able to run outside here. The air is too dirty and every time I have tried I have an asthma attack, but last night I was good! I came close at the beginning, but I backed off and walked until I was fully recovered and then I was able to run again! Still not nearly what I can do inside on a treadmill, but I  think this counts way more anyways. And again, a big improvement. And this morning the scale had much happier news for me. I'm still working to get back to this time last week, but I'm not too far away now. Avoid the candy jar and I should be good. :D *happy dance* :D


misskate said...

Wohoo for distance running! That's excellent. I think off-treadmill running has to count for more - the ground doesn't move for you when you're outside :) I'm glad that you were able to keep the asthma in-check too. That's always a delicate balance.

Dorine said...

Three cheers for you!!! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY!! That is wonderful! You go!! :)

Ritsumei said...

I'm with Kate, street running is different-better than treadmill running. Glad to hear that things stayed breathable for you! Working out seems to increase lung capacity, so maybe it's going to be a trend?

Anne Chovies said...

Way to make a break-thru!!! Good job!




