Saturday, July 11, 2009

Umm... I only gained 3 lbs. Hooray!!!

So I went to the doctor on Tuesday and since the last appt (a month ago) I've only gained 3 lbs! I feel kinda silly posting that on here, but it is a really big accomplishment. I had to work pretty hard on that. I was actually hoping to only gain 1 or 2, but the doctor said 3 was perfect. So cool! :D And another thing I feel kinda silly posting here, I was laying in bed the other night rubbing my belly and I can feel me getting bigger. I have a baby bump!!! I was so excited and I made Dave feel it too. :) Is that nerdy or what?

Ok. So an actual progress report, I was going crazy at the beginning of the pregnancy. I couldn't go to the gym cuz I was just so incredibly tired all the time and barely had enough energy to get through work. I fell asleep on the way home almost every day... Dave drove. So needless to say, I wasn't going to the gym ever. And then, I decided it would be a really good idea to eat pizza and chips every night for dinner. And hamburgers. And I'm craving brats. So I gained about 5lbs the first month. But my energy is back... mostly. And I'm loving the pool. I even got a new swim suit and goggles. :)


misskate said...

Hooray for small gains!! ('cuz that's good considering you DO have a baby growing inside you, with all the fluid sacs and other trappings that comes with all that) So, some gaining is a good thing!
And Yay for a swimming pool at your gym! I imagine that'll be great for when you're even further along :)

I am so excited to come see you guys next weekend!!!!!

Ritsumei said...

Yay!! I think it's cool that you're still playing! Hurray for you, keeping the weight gain reasonable. That can be hard to do, especially if you're going to be craving brats! (Sounds pretty good, actually. Maybe it's just as well we don't have a grill, heh, heh.)

Ritsumei said...

Oh, and I totally made Andy feel my baby bump too while Monkey was baking. It's not nerdy at all. Or, at least you've got company if it is!

Dorine said...

YEA!!! Good for you!! 3 lbs in a month is good!! And wanting to share the excitement with Dave isn't nerdy, it is precious!! Treasure those moments!!! :) The may great memories!! :) :)




