Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sweet-Tooth Attacks!!

So, as I'm working to make smarter choices with my eating, trying to eat better foods, I find I feel more and more temptation to eat sweet things. What's up with that?

Last week I realized that I'd eaten a dessert or candy pretty much every day. I think that is not a conducive way to maintain my health, or work on trimming my figure for that matter.

So, this week, I decided to avoid eating desserts. Yesterday I actually forgot about it and had a little bag of Reese's Pieces. But today, I'm back to my determination. I even brought fruit for lunch (that frequently satisfies my sweet-tooth). However, it's nearing the sleepy time of day and I totally have the munchies!

So, in hopes that I'm not the only one, I thought I'd open this up for discussion.. What do you guys do to avoid giving in to your sweet-tooth?

1 comment:

Ritsumei said...

Water. Strange as it is, I find that a sweet tooth is, for me, a signal that I'm a bit dehydrated.

The other thing is, it sounds like you're feeling pretty deprived. That NEVER works for me. If I allow that I ALWAYS gain. So I'd go ahead & *choose* a small indulgence. I find that after doing that, it's much easier to resist the others that I didn't choose.




