Thursday, July 9, 2009

Checkin' In

Well, the holiday didn't do me any super major damage.. though, I think I probably could have done better with things.

So, I did my weekly measure and weigh-in today.. the scale wasn't cheerful (up 3), but the measuring tape was very kind. I'm down in nearly all the numbers by at least 1/4 inch. It feels like I say that each week: "Nothing with the scale, but happy for the tape".. I suppose that's ok though.

My coworker (who is way into working out) says that the weightloss can sometimes take a much longer time than one would expect. We were talking and I mentioned that I thought that in 2-3 months, I should see some significant changes on the scale (if i'm steady with the good eating and regular with the working out of course) ... she indicated that often it takes much longer, more like 6 months to see big results. So, I suppose, since I'm really only 2 or 3 months into being regular with my workouts and only moderatly ok with my "good eating" habits, I shouldn't let the scale's not budging bring me too much discouragement.


Ritsumei said...

I can beleive that it'd take that long... though it's sort of discouraging too. But also somewhat encouraging, once you get past the whole, "But I want results NOW!" thing. I keep telling myself that when learning a new lifestyle there is not only the learning curve, but the time that it takes to actually SEE a difference. It makes sense that it'd take a larger chunk of time that what we'd prefer. After all, I didn't get to obese in a day, and I shouldn't expect to get un-obese in a day either...

Dorine said...

I thought that WW had a good idea about weight loss - look at it in incraments of 5% of body weight. It is kind of nice to think that I am 1/4th of the way to my first goal!!

Ritsumei said...

Yeah, percents are fun numbers to look at. I'm 20% of the way to my goal. It's very encouraging!




