Friday, July 10, 2009


Not too bad. I always suffer when I don't drink water, and I had several days in a row, what with Independence Day and the Fast Sunday. I fluffed right up with bloating. But all but 1 pound of that is gone now. My measurements were a mixed bag: some loss, some gain. But I'm back on track and getting things going in the right direction. One thing that's helped is that when I write my measurements, I write down the new number, then in parenthesis I'll put the change for the week and the total change. That's pretty wordy. It's just this:

Weight: 203 (+1/-6)
Waist: 36 1/2" (-1/2" / -2 1/4")
Hips: 45 1/4" (+1" / -1 1/4")
R. Thigh: 26 1/4" (+1/4" / -1")

It's a bit of a mess to look at, and the math is sort of obnoxious. But I've decided that it's absolutely worth it: when I had the gains this week, I could see that there is still progress, even though it wasn't a stellar week. And it has helped keep my thoughts in the way they should be so that I'm still feeling successful, still feeling hopeful. And THAT means that I'm not feeling the urge to sabotage myself. It's worth a bit of messy math to me!

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