Sunday, July 5, 2009

Practically Next Week Already

It's practically next week already; soon we'll be posting how the holiday goodies have affected us. But I'm just now getting around to checking in with the results of my weigh-in last Thursday: a 3 pound loss! I'm beginning to notice a difference in a few of my clothes, which is very encouraging. Now, the trick is to not spoil things with this week's Independence Day goodies!


misskate said...

I hope that the holiday didn't adversely affect your efforts :)

Ritsumei said...

Wellll.... at the very least, it affected my water intake, which will affect other things. But I'm pretty much back on track now, so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm aiming for managing my weight with a new lifestyle, and I'm thinking that holidays are going to take some practice, and maybe some new traditions. We'll have to see what I come up with over the next few years. If I can just keep the water up over holidays & on Sundays it would help a lot.

Dorine said...

Yea for water!!! I am very proud of you that you have keep this blog active - the rest of us get a little sparatic in our entries. You are the reason that I am back. Thanks for your dilligence.




