Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One More Reason to Work from Home

So, I occasionally feel slightly envious of my friends and family who have jobs that allow them the ability to work from home. Generally these feelings are felt most keenly on those days when I'm very tired and don't feel like getting up and the idea of just working in my PJ's seems very tantalizing.

However, I found an article today that offered another good reason to work from home: Walkstations. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/18/health/nutrition/18fitness.html?ei=5124&en=dae8e7618825bcd8&ex=1379476800&adxnnl=1&partner=facebook&exprod=facebook&adxnnlx=1222201193-5NCHuzYsHjxV+VlPFOPixg) Sorry kids, my work computer isn't allowing me to make this into a link.. boo to it.
But it's an interesting article about some new health innovations that seem to be most easily implemented by those who work from home, but is gathering momentum and even seems to have begun to trickle into corporate America.



Emma said...

That is very interesting. I think it would be cool and my coworker and I decided we need to get one for our boss. The article says it helps with ADD. :)

Ritsumei said...

Sounds interesting to me! Too bad they're so spendy. $4000 is a lot more than I plan to spend on either a treadmill or a desk. But it's a cool concept.




