Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

So I too have made a bunch of New Year's Resolutions. And I, just like Kate, have felt like in the past they have lasted until about Jan. 2. So this year I have a system. My nerdy list making self and I got together and made The List. I have about a dozen resolutions, broken down into 3 catagories (Spiritual, educational, and other. Yes other. Creative. I know.) I also have a calendar just for me with The List pinned up next to it and color-coded sticker system to keep track of progress. Yea for shiny stars! 
I have to admit, I may have been a little over ambitious, but for the moment, other than one of the goals, I feel like they're actually things I can do. I'm going to exercise hard 3 times a week. I'm going to eat more veggies and only 1 dessert a week. (That's the one I'll have issues with. Last week it was 3. Still improvement though, so we'll keep it and keep moving.) I'm going to the temple once a month, I'm reading my scriptures every day, and I'm going to give everything I need to - time, effort, and most importantly, prayer - to the lessons I have to teach. And any other calling I'm asked to do for that matter. I'm going to go to school in the fall and get amazing grades. And I'm going to win the scholarships audition this spring. That one also may be difficult. But, I've talked to a friend of mine who graduated from the same school and now teaches voice lessons and I'm gonna have a few lessons. Kinda feel like as long as I put tons and tons of good hard work into it, if I don't win, I'll be ok. 
So there you have it. The bulk of my resolutions. And how are things coming? :) Pretty well. Dave and I have an appointment at the Redlands Temple next Saturday, and last week I went to the gym Thursday and Saturday. I actually bought veggies other than corn and green beans (which were never eaten before anyway. Hehe.) and I ate them! I had to teach the all young women Sunday since I was the "guest speaker" and, granted it wasn't a perfect lesson, but I tried hard and it even went pretty well! So I think this week I can give myself a huge pat on the back and maybe even a WHOO-HOO!!! :) Sorry for tootin my own horn a bit, but I'm feeling kinda proud. 
It sounds like everyone else is doing really well so far as well! I hope we can all keep it up! :) 


Ritsumei said...

You sound so super-organized! I'm still catching up on Christmas stuff that I've got to tidy up. One of these days I'll actually get to sitting down and ruminating on what my goals need to be. It's the pondering part that's the hardest for me right now. But it sounds like you've got things all set up. Concrete, measurable, and incremental. Way to go!

misskate said...

Oooh.. i like the idea of stickers to help keep track and motivate :)
Sounds like a great plan!! How are things going?




