Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Battling the Bulge

Ooooh.. Vacations are dangerous things! We did walk, and walk, and walk, aaaaand walk every day that we were there, but we also ate more than we would normally. I actually didn't do too bad (i weighed myself after getting back) and I only gained 3 or 4 pounds. But I definitely need to get back into the drinking water thing and visiting the gym thing. I'm doing pretty ok with the water drinking, however I am struggling to get to the gym.

There are definitely some drawbacks to working out over my lunch hour. Not only does it complicate getting errands run, but also, it requires that I remember to pack all the necessary bits of clothing (every morning) that are needed to actually utilize the gym. Today I had grand plans for getting back on the wagon. I was going to hit the elliptical machine and go to work on my tummy and hinney. Alas, today I forgot the necessary bits of clothing. Sigh.


Ritsumei said...

You'll get there!

Emma said...

Oh! I totally hear you! I go to the gym after work with Dave's mom and sister and so I don't get to drive all the way out to my house first so I have to lug all the stuff - the shoes, the clothes, and don't forget the oh-so-important scrunchie!




