Friday, January 2, 2009

A good week

Hello Ladies,

It has been a good week. Lots has been accomplished, including getting started on an excercise program. I bought a new pair of shoes - asisc - that is probably spelled wrong - but they are still very comfortable!! I have walked on the treadmill 3 days and used the fitness ball once. A and I traded off on the treadmill and the fitness ball this morning. That was fun. I also went back to sparkpeople and started counting my calories. I do much better when I have to write down everything that goes into my mouth. Makes me much more aware of how and what I eat. I discovered today that McDonald's Snack Wrap with Grilled Chicken is a pretty healthy choice. Dad and I were out and about and stopped for a quick pick me up. It was nice the see the numbers - only 240 calories, or maybe 260. I don't remember for sure. Anyway, the result for the week is a 2 lb loss. Only 14 more to go to be back to the low that I hit the end of the summer. But, not bad for having New Year's Eve in there and attending a party where there were lots of tempting snacks!! I was pleased with my progress.

Hope that you are all feeling up beat and positive about the new year and the healthier us that it will bring!! :)

1 comment:

misskate said...

Wohoo!! Yay for great beginnings :) I hope that things continue to go wonderfully for you




