Monday, April 8, 2013

New Beginnings. Again.

I bought the SparkPeople app for my phone to help me track my calories. I am planning to leave a mixed review, because they don't want nursing mothers to use it, but don't say so until after the purchase. I'm also using the software anyway, and I am really liking it so far.

I'm hopeful that I can use the stuff to help keep the weight loss thing going. I lost quickly and easily after giving birth, and stabilized about 5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. I like that! The extra baby jiggle, not so much. The pathetic muscle tone, particularly in my abs? The fact that I'm still just over 200 pounds? Eww... I have plenty of work to do now that the easy stuff is off. But I knew that was going to be the case, so it's ok. And I'm hopeful that the new tools will help me return to a place where I'm eating better, cooking better, and working out more. Last time I got all those things in place some very exciting things started to happen! So here's to new beginnings, again!

1 comment:

misskate said...

Yay! Way to be on top of things :) I probably should be doing similarly.. but I have such a problem staying motivated.




