Monday, April 15, 2013


My pants say I'm down; my scale says I'm up. Way up. Four pounds in just a handful of days. I don't think so--- oh wait. I've been eating salted cashews (Yummy protein!) aaaannnd I'm dehydrated. OK. I'm retaining water. Whew! That one's easily solved. Unlike my other grumble.

Counting calories is hard to do when you only have half the tools. My new Sparkpeople software is great! As far as it goes. I can scan stuff, and it searches its database, and usually there's something in there. As long as the food is bought. But bought food isn't the healthiest food, and one of the things I try to do is make a fair amount of our food. I'm not as successful right now, but still, I make some. Figuring out the calories on that stuff is not easy. I have software that does it... but it didn't get moved to my new computer and now it's packed. The other tool that I'm missing is my little kitchen scale.

Drat. This business of having the house on the market and a bunch of our stuff in boxes is for the birds. I hope we move. SOON.


Dorine said...

I would believe your pants! ;)
The water retenton will go away when you drink a little more! :) :)

Ritsumei said...

Yes, I'm inclined to believe the pants as well! Though I'm really struggling to get the water to level out, which is a bit unusual for me. I think next time I'll go for *unsalted* nuts. Bleh.




