Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weakness and Strength

I am slowly making some progress. I made myself a journal this week - just a three ring binder, with a verse printed out in a pretty font for the front, to remind me. This is what it says:

I give unto men weakness
that they may be humble;
if they humble themselves
before me
and have faith in me
then will I
make weak things
become strong until them.

It's from Ether 12:27. Weakness includes an inclination to over-indulge when eating and to under-indulge in movement. I am seeking His help, and as He promises so often, I am finding what I seek. It's slow progress: I haven't lost any pounds yet. But one of the things I'm keeping track of in this new binder of mine is my measurements, and I lost 1/2 inch on two of them this week. I am grateful for His help!

So, now that I'm measuring myself, and I'm actually taking weekly pictures too, though I don't plan to post those, as they are the most honest (read: unflattering) ones that I've seen in a long time, I'll be checking in with my journal weekly about Thursday. I did it early this week because I was so frustrated with the scale that I needed to see what the tape measure was going to say. But if anyone cares to join me, I'd love company on a Thursday weigh-in/measurement schedule!


misskate said...

WOot! That sounds like a very helpful thing.
I probably should do something like that for myself too... my motivation has been less than amazing lately. I still work out pretty regularly... but oh how I love my food! It pretty much negates any good of the work out.

Ritsumei said...

I absolutely hear ya. "Oh how I love my food!" That pretty much sums up my problem. It seems to me that there should be a way to enjoy the food AND be healthy. God wants us to be happy. He *MADE* the food enjoyable. So there's got to be a solution here... somewhere.

misskate said...

How's the measuring and the working out going?




