Monday, May 11, 2009

Still Going

We were out again tonight with the bike and trailer, riding around. I think I'm going to need to pump up the one tire a bit, it seemed a bit low this afternoon. But other than that, everything is still wonderful. We checked out a new park today, as we wandered around looking to see what there is to see in the range offered by the bike. I can tell that I'm not as strong as I once was, but at the same time it's not terribly hard, so it's working out well. After we got back from the ride we spent a few minutes in the garden before it got too dark to do that too. There's a lot of weeds in there that need to be choked out. I'll probably take some boxes out and put them on my path and then cover them with some mulch to keep it looking less trashy yet still keep the weeds down. My friends that used boxes on their paths last year only had weeds where the boxes slipped apart, so I'm going to try it. It was a good evening. Neither cold nor hot, just very nice. Too early for many bugs. My kind of night.


misskate said...

Yay for getting outside! Yesterday John and I took a walk.. it was a beautiful evening! Though, we may have counteracted any benefits from taking the walk when we stopped for ice cream... but then we walked back! :)

Ritsumei said...

I've done that before. It's nice. And it's not toooo bad, if you're careful about what you get.




