Monday, December 15, 2008

Trying a New Angle

Well, I FINALLY went to the gym today. Sadly, it's been quite some time since I've gone.. we're not even going to list how many times I've gone since I got married.. hehe. We'll just say I've started up again.

Now that the wedding is done and past, this time around I don't have such a pressing motivator to get me to go up there during my lunch hour. It hasn't been working to tell myself that "it would be good" to go.. and thinking "I'm being good" when I do go isn't motivator enough in and of itself either. So, now I am trying a new angle of psychology to get myself up to the gym more frequently. The current idea is to just look at it as a part of my routine. For now I'm going to shoot for three times a week, so now I tell myself "I go to the gym because it's Monday" (or Wednesday or Friday). Hopefully if I don't make a big deal out of it and make it just part of a lifestyle, it'll will stick with me better. So, so far, today I went to the gym because it was Monday.
I'd say it's a promising beginning :)

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