Monday, December 29, 2008

More Regrouping

Well, I gained back at Christmas all the weight that I'd lost at Thanksgiving. So I'm also regrouping and trying again. I think the best definition of success was a Japanese(?) Proverb I read a little while ago:

"Fall down six times.
Get up seven."

So, here I am getting up another time.

I got back on the exercise this morning, and I'm working on the water. The water has been a huge struggle for me as Monkey's gotten more active. I've always been a sedentary water drinker, and my life is not very sedentary right now! So if anyone's got suggestions for how to remember to drag my water around with me so it gets in my body, I'm listening! It'd be great to hear how the rest of you girls are doing!


misskate said...

Ugh.. I definitely hear you about the drinking water thing. I don't know why, but since getting married I have really been slacking on the water drinking.. really. Thought, that's also about the same time I threw out my much-loved #7 plastic bottles... either way, I haven't been doing as well as I should with all that. I think I need to renew my search for a new water bottle that I'll like.. the one I currently am using annoys me.

Ritsumei said...

Andy got me one of these. They're spendy - but it's held up really well. And they've got a variety of tops. The sports top was nice, but Monkey stole it from me and then dropped it and it broke. The loop cap broke, but the flat top one, though less convenient, has held up well. Monkey still uses his sippy spout. He liked the sport cap better, but it broke.

misskate said...

* hem-haw * yeah, i've seen those too... metal though. Heavy! Though, i suppose they don't have any weird metallic taste at all, yes?

Dorine said...

I like you proverb. I am getting up again, too!!




