Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Word of Wisdom Wednesday

Modern Molly Mormon is hosting a meme dealing with living the Word of Wisdom as a lifestyle choice. In introducing their meme they say "The Word of Wisdom is not just a set of guidelines, but also a lifestyle. We will have a monthly challenge, and I'll also post different topics for us to dive into it deeper." This seems to me to be very much what we are about on this blog, so I thought I'd do play along this week! The theme right now is walking and drinking water.

Although I know better, I've badly fallen off the water-drinking wagon. All my water-drinking habits were sedentary ones and I find that as the mother of an active two year old, I'm not terribly sedentary any more! I miss it. In addition to everything else that water does that's wonderful, it makes my skin and hair great and I haven't been very happy with either of them, of late. I guess that since I've been barely drinking anything that makes some sense. Several years ago my father-in-law (a chiropractor) told me that I should drink a quart for every 50 pounds I weigh. It's a lot of water, but it makes such an amazing difference when I do it!

So here's my resolution: to drink a gallon a day. It's going to be a while before I get down to a weight where I need less, even assuming that I do get some good momentum going and start loosing as quickly as I want to. And a little extra water isn't a problem, so I'm just going to aim for a nice round gallon. It's exactly what I need now, and as I start loosing a little extra can only be good for me.

As far as my running is going, I missed today. Andy was gone, and there wasn't enough nap time before my piano students got here to do running and a shower, so I was out of luck. But I did get my pushups in for the pushup challenge: 19 in total today, though not at all consecutively.

More water would help with the sore muscles. It would also help with the weight loss. Water's cool like that.


Untypically Jia said...

Rock on! That's a great goal to have! I add a little lemon juice to my water cause I have a hard time drinking it plain.

Welcome to WOW Wednesdays by the way!

Tiffany said...

Every little bout of exercise you do adds up. Don't worry so much on if it's consecutive. Rock it girl!

Shimmy Mom said...

I too am not a water drink, (I don't drink much of anything. I have a tendency to get too dehydrated.) I hadn't stopped to think that lack of water could be causing my "lacks" in the skin and hair department.
I'm really glad for this challenge and the reminder that I NEED to make myself drink more water.
19 push-ups is awesome. I think I can do about 10.
Keep up the good work and good luck!

Emma said...

I'm with shimmy mom. I don't drink very much of anything either. I've been particularly bad the last little while and I had never thought that was the cause of my face suddenly breaking out. And with Kate's wedding a week away, I'm freaking out about it. Pictures and such. Don't really want my face to look like this then. So. Thank you soo much for the post and I have drunk about 1/2 bottle of water since I read the post. .....All gone. :)




