Friday, October 24, 2008

100 Push-ups Program: Any Takers?

So, muscle burns more, looks better, and push-ups do a fine job of building not only the pectorals & triceps (chest & back of upper arms), but also the core: the belly & sides of your body. Plus, it should make it easier to lift heavy stuff. Not to mention the coolness factor of being able to say that you can do 100 push-ups!

So, I did the initial test today and barely made it into their "level 2" category doing some knee push-ups. (They also suggest several other varieties for those who can't do knee push-ups, up to and including wall push-ups.) And there was no nose scraping the ground here either: I don't generally manage to make a very deep push-up. But I did do 6 of them before I felt like I wasn't going to get any further without risk of suddenly introducing my nose to the ground.

So, now that I've taken my test, I can start the program. I'm debating on if I want to do level 1 or level 2, even though I technically did enough to "qualify" for level 2. But the worst case scenario is to re-do the first week, which wasn't a problem when I was doing the running! (Speaking of running, anyone want to start that with me again? I'm missing it, and more importantly, I'm missing the results it was getting me.)

So, I like the Monday-Wednesday-Friday idea they have for when to do the push-ups, and if I wait until Monday to do it, maybe someone will do it with me? Buddies are always nice. A built-in cheerleader. Anyone wanna play?


Ritsumei said...

Hey, looks like they have a cafe press store. We could make getting a 100 push-ups shirt the non-food reward at the end of our journey. Whadya think?

misskate said...

Hehe.. I'm a little afraid to do the push-ups program 'cuz my poor arms were growing uncontrollably when I was doing 30 a day (well, 3 sets of 10) and those were the knee push-ups.
Though, I must admit I am curious.... maybe I'll check it out, see what the other varieties are.


Ritsumei said...

Hmmm. That's a bit odd. I wonder if they'd keep growing?? That seems unlikely. But either way. Andy and I have been doing it and it's pretty pleasant to have someone right there to do it with. I did 19 this morning already. I still need to do my running though. With Andy gone on a long day it's going to be difficult. But even if I don't run I can get something done today. I'm on a roll!

Emma said...

I went to a class at the gym not too long ago and the instructor lady, I swear she was insane. She had us all do 4 sets of 20 inclined pushups. Maybe it was only 3 sets. But I almost did all of them! I'm not going to say they were good pushups, but I went up and down almost every time she said to. Down... and up. Down..........and up. Double time. Half time. That lady was nuts. But it was a fun class and I almost did it.




