Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pressing On

Now that the wedding is done, it's time to get rolling again! Been awfully quiet around here, I'm wondering what you girls are up to these days? I'm still trucking along in the push-up challenge. We're into week 3 now, and it's going well. I did 47 pushups, divided into 5 sets, the other day. I still need to do my pushups this evening before I go to bed. Working out has been more difficult, as has drinking water. I always do better when both Andy and myself are at home. There's been a lot of one or both of us out and about lately. Hopefully that will ease up here shortly and I'll be able to rebuild my routine. I was doing so well this summer, but I've really been struggling to re-create that this fall.

I went shopping this evening and picked up a lot of fruit and some veggies to chop up. I've been realizing that my food is a significant part of the problem. I need to eat more fresh chopped veggies, more plain fruit. I need it as snacks, at meals, all the time. It's better for me. It's less calorie-filled, so it will help me reach my goals.

Today I bought pears and apples. I also picked up some bananas and peppers. They are yummy. They are things that I like to eat. Pears and apples are even more or less in season still, so they fit nicely in the Word of Wisdom:

And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—

Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

I've got a long way to go, but I'm working on it! One of these days I'm going to start reaching some goals!

1 comment:

Emma said...

Welcome back! I was just thinking that I am going to make sure I get to the gym tomorrow and either do a class or run. And I'm kinda excited about the pushups we did! I may even be able to convince Dave to do them with me!




