Saturday, September 3, 2016

September is Here!

Alright! I guess summer's winding down. Ah well, bring on the jacket weather!

So, my check-in this month.. oi oi.

Eat veggies every day:
So, I totally fell off the wagon with this one. I think I might need to rearrange when I do my grocery shopping.. if I have time to chop up my broccoli and stuff as I'm unloading things, then it's a lot likelier that I do it, plus it's easier to get it cooked and eaten. But that didn't happen this month, and we kept running out of lettuce for salads (which at least means we were eating salads while we had the lettuce). So, I say C for this month.

Don't eat dessert every day:
Well, we did stop with the Costco sized everything, so that has helped. And I discovered a pretty tasty cake-in-a-mug recipe that is quite tasty and hits the spot (yay portion control). So, I still struggle to make good choices all the time, but I'm ok with this being an on-going process. Here, I give myself a C-.

Get up and move every day:
Along with my working to get outside more often for movement, I've been trying to work in incidental movement into my day as well. Stuff like chasing my boys around the living room more often, dancing while I'm making dinner (most often while holding Moon to keep him from following me around crying), stuff like that.
Also, just this week I've decided to do more exercising during our slow (read: grumpy) times of day.. Thus getting me moving a bit more and show the kids that exercises can be a fun activity. I just have to keep from squashing anyone while doing it - nothing more exciting to climb on (around, and under) than a mama doing leg lifts and planks!
So, I'll keep my C in this category and hopefully will have more progress to report next month!

However, I read this really great Confucius quote (from my September page of my zen calendar) that really resonates with me right now:
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

1 comment:

Dorine said...

I love you Confucius quote! I am going to take that to heart!

Sound like you are making progress. That is fantastic! I can relate to chopping things ahead and preparing ahead - particularly for lunch. Makes life much less stressful!




