Saturday, September 5, 2009

Trying New Stuff

I feel like I'm loosing the battle with my bulge.. so, since I am the boss of me, I went out today and got a Pilates workout DVD. The plan is to keep getting up early in the morning and working out, but on alternating days to use the Pilates rather than just doing the elliptical every other day.
Monday will begin the new regime.


SeaShore said...

Ooh! I look forward to hearing about your Pilates dvd. I've been looking into Pilates lately, as I really need to get going with the strength training, but in a back-friendly sort of way.

Good luck!

Ritsumei said...

I'm feeling a bit that way too... my battle of the bulge is not going so hot. I'm swimming this week, but next week it'll be back to the same old same old when I don't have access to a pool anymore. Gotta make things work for me again. I'm gradually loosing ground again, and I am NOT ok with that.

Dorine said...

Way to go!! I am proud of you!!

Maybe the next time you come up you can bring your DVD. I would like to try one before I decide whether or not to buy one.

Ritsumei said...

You can also check the library if you want to try before you buy.

Dorine said...

good idea. Thanks




