Friday, July 1, 2016

Goals Update - July

Happy July, all! I wish I could say we were doing fun stuff this weekend, but all our holiday plans are in limbo cuz we got sick kids. Hopefully we all get better/ stay healthy!

Anyway, so my goals back in June were these:
  • Eat a salad every day
  • Don't eat dessert every day
  • Get up and move every day

Eat a salad every day.
Well, while there was overall improvement in this area over what was before, I didn't stay consistent. I kept track of my days in all the goals so I could remember things for a whole month. The first two weeks were excellent! Then we ran out of lettuce (turns out we ate more than previously). Then we went on vacation. During the vacation, I did make a more conscious effort to eat veggies, but certainly not every day.

So, all things considered, for this area I give myself a C+.

Don't eat dessert every day.
I suppose this area is so broad that as long as I don't eat dessert at least once in the month I'm winning! However, I opted to take it week by week to better see trends. Again, the first two weeks I did very well and things tapered off from there. Also, the vacation didn't help (s'mores anyone?). However it's actually been hardest since we came back. My boys, who slept great the whole vacation, have decided that they don't need to continue that lovely trend now that we're at home. We've had a series of terrible nights and I make terrible food choices when I'm exhausted.

So, overall, this one gets a C-.

Get up and move every day.
Again, some improvement over what was in this area. And, actually, the vacation helped this area. Except for the traveling days, we went places and walked a lot. Dude, stairs while wearing a 20lb baby are no small thing.

This area I give myself a C+.

All around, for June, I'd call it a solid C. Better than failing, but definitely room to improve. See you in August! 


Dorine said...

Hip hip hurrah for progress! Sometimes it is just babysteps in the right direction. :)

Dorine said...

Hip hip hurrah for progress! Sometimes it is just babysteps in the right direction. :)




