Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Goal: Form New Habits

Ha! It's been almost exactly 3 years since I last posted on here. Whee! Fun fun.

Anyway, so, I follow this blog of a famous guy who's clever and funny and posts about a myriad of things. A few months ago he started posting about "hitting the reset button" in various areas of his life. He follows up monthly and grades himself in the areas and talks about what's good and what needs work, and he's very candid about it.

Over the last few months, as I've followed along, it's struck me that his method is a great one for creating new habits; he's got solid, defined goals and a follow-up plan, plus a live audience to help keep him honest. And, while I don't have millions of followers, I do have a place I can post about things where people might see and comment... so, here I am.

I've been wanting to lose weight for some time now but, instead, seem to be steadily gaining. Tiny babies make regular, planned *anything* exceptionally challenging, and so often I'm too rundown and sleep deprived to muster the energy to make (and keep) big changes in my routine.

However! Small things, new habits.. those I can do. Weight-loss/Being healthy is really a lifestyle thing anyway. So my plan is to form new habits by writing them down and grading myself monthly. Hopefully that'll keep it feeling like an ongoing project versus a crash diet that is temporary.

Here are my goals:
  • Eat a salad every day
  • Don't eat dessert every day
  • Get up and move every day
So, here we go! I will check back on July 1st and give myself a report-card update.


Ritsumei said...

Love it -- and your timing is perfect. I think that I'll join you!

Dorine said...

Me, too. I am moving the Less to Love to my personal email instead of promotions so I will see it regularly.




