Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Slow Progress

I think there's probably a lot of people with a cute shirt that just doesn't fit right, so it sits in the bottom of the drawer, and the only time it gets used is when everything else is dirty. Anyway, I have one of those. I pulled it out yesterday evening, being too tired to go grab something from the basement, and threw it on. 

And it fit. 

The numbers on my scale are still being stubborn, but this shirt, which has been too small for ages, fits. And my pants are not that far from being ridiculously large too. I think I might have to go through the drawer of stuff that's "too small" and see if anything else can come out for use. That's pretty exciting!

Wonder when the number on the scale will catch on? I have to admit, it is becoming entertaining to see how much my body can change while it keeps the same weight. 

1 comment:

misskate said...

I think it's kinda funny how the body changes/redistributes things before deciding it's ok to let go the pounds. Hooray for shirts fitting!




