Friday, October 26, 2012

New Record

Dave was recently called to Deacons' Assistant at church and basically is helping with the Duty to God award and so is going to be attending Wednesday night activities. This week was the first time he went, and they happened to be doing a physical fitness test. So he ran a mile. For the first time in years. And still had a time *way* better than my personal best. Well I couldn't just sit there and do nothing about that... so this morning I went down to the gym, hopped on the treadmill and started running. Darn that competitive streak in me.
I actually almost jumped off after about 3 minutes because, for whatever reason, today it was torturous to be on the treadmill. But I soon discovered that if I cranked the volume on my mp3 player so loud that I couldn't hear my feet hitting the ground it was much more tolerable. And thank goodness I didn't jump off because I got a new personal best for my mile! 12:27. Still more than 2 1/2 minutes slower than Dave's, but better than anything I have ever done before by about 20 seconds and I was proud.
Update on my goal to lose 10 lbs before my doctor appointment: I didn't make it. But it was a lofty goal anyway. I did manage to be 4 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight though. I'll take it. And keep working. :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

4 Weeks Post-Baby... 2 Weeks To Go

Another official weigh in for me today. Down 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, which means I have 2 weeks to lose 5 pounds to meet my goal. Totally doable. :D I've also decided that I need to find my sewing measuring tape so I can take measurements and make goals that way as well because the fact that I am nursing makes it difficult to get a fair comparison on the scale. First thing in the morning - preferably this means getting up at 6:30 - after I have peed and fed Zach entirely on both sides so I'm not measuring milk weight is the best way for me to measure, but hard to achieve consistently.
I also braved the treadmill last night for 24 minutes, 3 of which I was able to do a full run and the rest was a brisk walk. I was supposed to be there for 30 minutes, but at 24 minutes I decided that my hip flexors hurt bad enough that I was being stupid and should not continue. But it was all good. I am feeling like, even though I'm not able to do any thing close to how I used to be able to, I am doing really well considering where I'm at right now.
Dave and I have started doing pushups together every night as well. He is buff enough to do traditional pushups, but I have to do the girly pushups on my knees. But with each of us doing our own flavor, we can both do about 50 pushups. It's nice to have found something that we can do together and push and support each other.




