Saturday, April 8, 2017

Finding New Motivation

So, back in January, I was trying to eat more eggs and better breakfasts than just cereal. I did ok for a few weeks, then it sort of tapered off.

I recently found some more breakfast ideas, the make ahead sort, that I've been trying out. I am particularly fond of the freeze-able breakfast quesadillas (here). It's nice to be able to pull them out and zap them; and they warm up really well; still tasty. Also, the yogurt parfaits are easy enough that I can just pull them together without too much trouble in the mornings.

But what's really been working is that I took advantage of scheduled text messages. I set up a month's worth of daily texts to myself telling me to get on the treadmill. It's actually been pretty effective for this first week. I paired the texts up with an audio book (finally getting back to Harry Potter).. and it actually is almost fun to get walking; the book gives something to look forward to.

It's still early, my normal burnout on these attempts to get more active or eat better, is about 2 or 3 weeks in.. but there's a *lot* of Harry Potter, so hopefully that keeps me going long enough to build some better habits.

"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." - Mary Pickford




